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Sound Advice: “The Best Summer Ever” at the P&H Cafe


This Saturday, August 28th, the P&H Cafe will host the second annual “The Best Summer Ever” party, a special event combining raw rock music with a host of wild-and-crazy diversions, including “Double Dare-style” challenges and adult-themed trivia.

“The show was inspired by a small group of friends who decided to take what was one of the hottest times in one of the hottest towns and celebrate being alive during ‘the best summer ever,'” says show organizer Alex Pilkington. “I think this summer has topped that, and we hope to celebrate that at this Saturday’s party. It’s just a celebration of being alive and being young (or young at heart) and loving the summer, even though in everyday life it seems to be a tough time for everyone. It’s about being happy to be alive.”

Pilkington will also headline the musical portion of the show with his raucous-but-tuneful garage/punk band the Chinamen. The group is currently at work putting the finishing touches on a new LP, tentatively titled Gook, and gearing up for a fall release and tour. Saturday’s appearance at the P&H will likely be their last before the new record is unveiled.

“We’re going to take a break to get our affairs in order before the tour,” says Pilkington. “So this is it for a while. It’s going to be an amazing party.”

“The Best Summer Ever” w/ the Chinamen, Hosoi Brothers, and Deuce and the Pit Vipers
The P & H Cafe
Saturday, August 28th
9 p.m.; $5