
Bad Month for Memphis


There is never a good time for a tax increase in Memphis, but getting it out there at the start of the consolidation campaign is a bad break for Rebuild Government.

Memphis property owners are on the hook for $57 million for Memphis City Schools. The last bit of wiggle room was removed this week when the state Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal. The only issue now is whether the money will be paid in a lump sum or installments.

Shelby County residents outside of Memphis, whose votes will be counted separately in the November 2nd election, aren’t liable for the $57 million payment. The city and county school systems are separate, and would remain separate under the proposed new charter. But the sight of the Memphis City Council and the Memphis City Schools Board of Education fighting over funding — and city taxpayers getting a tax increase — will only harden the opposition and raise the threat level among county residents.

A few other recent developments will hurt the Rebuild Government cause: