
Bike/Ped All

This week I did a Q&A with Kyle Wagenschutz, the new bike/ped coordinator for the city of Memphis and the Memphis area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).

It’s a notable step for the city, hiring its first bike/ped coordinator. It shows a commitment to alternative forms of transportation, and in a sprawling city such as Memphis, that’s new.


Mayor A C Wharton said Wagenschutz would be working for the entire community “from the core city to the suburbs and all points in between.”

“Having a bicycle/pedestrian coordinator on staff brings Memphis closer to the forefront of livability and sustainability programming,” Wharton said. “Making our community more walkable and bikable will inherently make us all safer and healthier by encouraging exercise, responsible street-sharing among motorists, and reducing carbon emissions.”

Also, I just really love this picture of Wagenschutz.