Memphis Gaydar News

Call to Action!

Sorry for the short notice, but I just learned that the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) is asking supporters of marriage equality to call Tennessee Attorney General Bob Cooper TODAY (Friday, Sept. 24th) to persuade him not to sign an Attorneys General brief promoting unfair discrimination in civil marriage law in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case out of California.

Tenn AG Bob Cooper

  • Tenn AG Bob Cooper

You see, the Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT), ardent opponents of marriage equality, sent out an e-mail blast asking their members to do just the opposite. They want Cooper to sign on to an Amicus brief opposing marriage equality in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case regarding the constitutionality of Proposition 8 in California.

So call Bob Cooper if you care about marriage equality and do it now. His office number is 615-741-3491. Here’s what TEP suggests you say to the switchboard operator:
“Please let General Cooper know that I oppose him signing on to the Attorneys General brief that promotes unfair discrimination in civil marriage law in the Perry case.”