Sports Tiger Blue

Larry Porter on Recruiting (When Losing)

I found this question (and Coach Porter’s answer) provocative, from today’s press luncheon:

Q: Do results like that against Tulsa (a 48-7 loss) have an impact on recruiting?

A: Not when you are relentless, give great effort and have a good game plan. I mean, you have to have a game plan for recruiting just as much as for opponents. I don’t see that as an issue for us. Hopefully, here within a week or so, you guys will see a couple, three, or four guys added to our commitment list. So, to me, that should help based on guys knowing that we need help. (We will continue to put) ourselves in position to keep selling our message and making sure that we let kids know where we are. In fact, I encourage our staff to call guys even more so. Some people when you’re not doing as well like to hide. You still have to call with that same tone and same energy and let guys know the future of this program is very promising.

FOOTNOTE: Porter didn’t share any specifics on quarterback Ryan Williams’ injury, or the likelihood of Williams playing this Saturday at Louisville.

By Frank Murtaugh

Frank Murtaugh is the managing editor of Memphis magazine. He's covered sports for the Flyer for two decades. "From My Seat" debuted on the Flyer site in 2002 and "Tiger Blue" in 2009.