Congrats are in order to one of my favorite departments over at the U of M.
The school’s Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning was recently awarded a 2010 Outstanding Planning Award by the Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association (TAPA) for the Vance Avenue Collaborative Community Visioning Initiative.
The project, which was conducted under the guidance of program director Ken Reardon, used a broad public participation process for collecting and analyzing data, as well as developing a vision for the historically significant African-American neighborhood.
Flyer reporter Halley Johnson recently wrote about the Vance Avenue Collaborative project, which was selected by TAPA from several entries in the student project category:
Residents of the neighborhood, bounded by Crump Boulevard, Third Street, Beale Street, and East Street, decided their initial plans would be to create a homeless service center, start a minority youth entrepreneurship initiative, and focus on the area’s musical history.
You can find the rest of her story here.