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Explore Bike Share Lowers Price for Longer Rides

Explore Bike Share

Explore Bike Share (EBS) is offering a new, lower pricing option for riders who want longer trips.

EBS is the city’s first and only bike share system. Leaders with the system say rider trends led them to offer a new payment option. Riders can now rent a bike for two hours for $5.

“Our data shows that the highest and most appreciated use is recreation,” said EBS executive director Anton Mack. “Commuters are opting for monthly or annual passes, but walk-up users are looking for an extended period to explore and enjoy the outdoors. We want to respond to the market.”

EBS said over 12,500 trip were taken from March through August by 4,979 users. The average ride is 4.58 miles, a mile longer than the same six-month period in 2019 (3.57 miles). For this, EBS leaders replaced the $1.25 per 15-minute “pay as you go” option with the new, two-hour option.

“Longer, recreational rides by walk-up users continue to be the highest use of Explore Bike Share,” EBS said in a statement.

Explore Bike Share

Between March and August, the system’s top five stations were Big River Crossing, two stations at Overton Park, Greenbelt Park, and River Garden.

“Our park system and bike share system truly have parallel missions,” said Nick Walker, director of parks and recreation for the City of Memphis. “They’re accessible, they’re equitable, they’re for everyone, and they serve as neighborhood conveners.”

EBS also wants to hire station managers. The neighborhood-focused representatives would maintain bike share and e-scooter stations on early weekday mornings. They’d also serve as liaisons between EBS and their communities.

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