Memphis Gaydar News

Candlelight Vigil for Teen Suicide Victims Tonight

Since the current school year began, 12 young people across the country — some college-aged, some in high school — have committed suicide in response to bullying and discrimination. Tonight, Southwest Pride will hold a vigil in their honor at First Congregational Church (1000 S. Cooper) at 7 p.m.

According to the group’s Facebook event page, “Even one suicide is too many. It is time we took a collective stand against bullying and discrimination [to] say enough is enough. We are no longer requesting change, we are DEMANDING it.”


The suicide victims include:
•Tyler Clementi – 18
•Seth Walsh – 13
•Justin Aaberg – 15
•Raymond Chase – 19
•Asher Brown – 13
•Billy Lucas – 15
•Jeanine Blanchette – 21
•Chantal Dube – 17
•Harrison Chase Brown – 15
•Zach Harrington – 19
•Caleb Nolt – 14 (straight, but stereotyped as being gay)
•Felix Sacco – 17 (straight, but still bullied)

Though Southwest Pride will have some candles available, they’re asking attendees to bring their own to ensure there are enough to go around. Also, there’s a nationwide call for people to wear purple today in remembrance of the LGBT teen suicide victims.