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Tennessee students and teachers won’t fear negative consequences for student assessments this year, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced Friday.
Governor Bill Lee
Student assessments will continue for the 2020-2021 school year, he said. But, given disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the assessment won’t count against anyone.
“Given the unprecedented disruption that the COVID-19 pandemic and extended time away from the classroom has had on Tennessee’s students, my administration will work with the [Tennessee General Assembly] to bring forward a solution for this school year that alleviates any burdens associated with educator evaluations and school accountability metrics,” Lee said. “Accountability remains incredibly important for the education of Tennessee’s students, and we will keep this year’s assessments in place to ensure an accurate picture of where our students are and what supports are needed to regain learning loss and get them back on the path to success.”
Tennessee Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn said the pandemic forced many Tennessee students to miss critical instruction time in the spring. Her department support’s Lee’s call “for holding teachers and schools harmless from negative consequences associated with accountability measures this school year.”
“Administering assessments to gauge student learning and ensuring strong accountability best enables us to meet the needs of all students, Schwinn said. “However we know the significant challenges our teachers and school and district leaders are facing, and it remains critical to reward their good work.
“We look forward to working together with our elected officials on a solution for this school year that preserves our strong foundations while ensuring that every teacher feels supported in focusing on educating their students.”