I didn’t get it by deadline, and there were people out there who said I’ve never get it.
Well, I finally got it. And it showed what you might expect.
Many of the schools in the southwest quadrant of the city — Westwood, Mitchell, Carver, BTW — are about 2/3rds full.
Northside, which is between Manassas and Douglass, the district’s more recently built core-city high schools, fares worst with a 44 percent utilization rate.
To see how they all compare, I put together this handy-dandy chart.
The size of the box is the size of the school. White Station, for example, has a capacity of 1,733. But with 2,203 students, its utilization rate is 127 percent, which is denoted by color.
The bluer a school is, the more under-capacity it is (percentage wise).
The redder a school is, the more over-capacity it is.
The purples are somewhere in the middle. For a baseline, Sheffield has an almost 97 percent utilization rate while Kirby has a 108 percent utilization rate.