Music Music Blog

The Flow: Live-Streamed Music Events This Week, September 16-22

Heres to the clubs who keep the live-stream option alive with their stages and gear. Give ’em a like!

As live music continues to hold some risks, many venues are glad they’ve kept up the new approach perfected in the first year of the pandemic. B-Side Memphis, for instance, equipped themselves with high quality video and audio capabilities early on, and live-streaming has remained a feature of theirs ever since. To support that move, they recently posted: “Looking for everyone to share and like and subscribe to our channel! It’s FREE and helps spread Memphis local music! Plus it allows you to watch from your house!”

Consider honoring not only the artists below via their virtual tip jars, but the clubs who keep the live-stream option alive with their stages and gear. Give ’em a like!


Thursday, September 16
8 p.m.
Max Kaplan & the Magics — at Hernando’s Hide-a-way

9 p.m.
Devil Train — B-Side Memphis
Facebook YouTube Twitch TV

Friday, September 17
8 p.m.
Nate Fredrick — at Hernando’s Hide-a-way

8 p.m.
Craig Shindler Fest — at B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

Saturday, September 18
10 a.m.
Richard Wilson

7 p.m.
Music Trivia with Velvetina Taylor — at Hernando’s Hide-a-way

8 p.m.
David Ramirez with Bonnie Montgomery — at Hernando’s Hide-a-way

10 p.m.
Organ Failure — B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

Sunday, September 19
3 p.m.
Imagene Azengraber — Chicken $#!+ Bingo at Hernando’s Hide-a-way

6 p.m.
Jazz Jam — B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

10 p.m.
Richard & Anne — at B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

Monday, September 20
10 p.m.
Evil Rain — at B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

Tuesday, September 21
10 p.m.
Max Kaplan & Jad Tariq — at B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

Wednesday, September 22
5:30 p.m.
Richard Wilson

7 p.m.
Rod Gator & Whitney Rose — at Hernando’s Hide-a-way

10 p.m.
Grape — at B-Side Memphis
YouTube Twitch TV

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