Politics Beat Blog

Worth Morgan to Run for Shelby County Mayor

Longstanding rumors of a campaign for Shelby County Mayor by City Councilman Worth Morgan became fact on Monday with Morgan’s formal announcement of candidacy.

Longstanding rumors of a campaign for Shelby County Mayor by City Councilman Worth Morgan became fact on Monday with Morgan’s formal announcement of candidacy.

The Councilman will be running as a Republican. No other Republicans have announced for the office, though both County Commissioner Mark Billingsley and Council chair Frank Colvett Jr.  have previously spoken of possible runs. Current Mayor Lee Harris, a Democrat,  is expected to seek reelection, though he has not yet formally announced his intentions. Another Democrat, Ken Moody, currently an aide to Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, has made a provisional announcement of candidacy.

 “You and I both know  that we deserve better,” Morgan said in his announcement statement. “I love this community, but too many of its challenges are going unaddressed or are being  met with half-hearted solutions.” Crime, poverty, and taxation levels are all in need of addressing, he said. “Shelby County can’t afford to wait any longer. Now is the  time to address these issues head on, because we deserve better.”

The “we deserve better” line, repeated several times in Morgan’s statement, would seem to be his campaign slogan.

Morgan pointed to his having surmounted health problems as evidence of his ability to meet challenges.

“Since I was ten years old, I haven’t been able to take this life for granted. Without a  doubt, LeBonheur Children’s Hospital saved my life as I battled through a difficult and rare liver disease. To this day, I still fight with an auto-immune disorder called Crohn’s disease.  Where some people would see weakness, I have found strength, patience, and hope.  Everyone deserves an opportunity to live a fulfilling life of purpose and peace. With  whatever time I have, with whatever strength I have, my life will be fulfilled if I can help  provide that opportunity for others. That’s why I’m running. Time is a precious gift, and I intend to make use of it.”  

Morgan won the first of his two elections to the Council in 2015 and demonstrated both times that he had formidable financial backing.