Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Mercury in Retrograde

How to prepare for a Mercury retrograde in Taurus.

After the potent energies of March, April usually brings us a bit of steadiness. It is the fourth month of the year, offering the energetic stability of the number four. However, this month, the usual solid foundation April brings is going to be rocked by the second Mercury retrograde of 2023.

Mercury retrograde happens three to four times every year, and usually lasts for four weeks. It is an astronomical phenomenon that makes the planet look like it is moving backwards in its orbit around the sun. It’s an optical illusion that occurs because it takes Mercury only 88 days to orbit the sun, compared to the 365 days it takes the Earth to orbit the sun. This is an observable scientific occurrence, but that does not mean it doesn’t energetically affect us.

The planet Mercury is named for the Roman god Mercury, the messenger of the gods, delivering news and goods but also acting as a translator or interpreter. Mercury rules over wealth, communication, commerce, and good fortune. When the planet of Mercury appears to move backwards in its orbit, these qualities may struggle to move forward or have more glitches than usual.

Generally, retrograde is a period of frustration, with delays, miscommunication, and technological mishaps. It is commonly advised that people should not travel, sign contracts, or make any major life decisions during a Mercury retrograde. During this time, try to be flexible as plans may end up changing often, be patient and understanding, back up your work and important documents ahead of time, and leave yourself some wiggle room for any major projects.

Mercury retrograde gets blamed for many things, and it can be a frustrating period, but it can bring us some much-needed perspective. It’s advised to not start any endeavors during the retrograde, but it makes a great time to finish things up. If you have any lingering chores or projects, use the energy to get them finished and off your plate. You can also use the time to reflect and slow down, to review where you are putting your time and energy and assess if it is going to the right things.

The next Mercury retrograde will begin on April 21st and end on May 14th. This year, every Mercury retrograde will happen in an earth sign, with April’s happening in the sign of Taurus. The astrological sign of Taurus is represented by the bull and is ruled by the planet Venus. Taurus represents our creature comforts, money and finances, and industry. Taurus is known as a stubborn sign, slow to move, logical, sensual but with an all-or-nothing attitude. This fixed earth sign does not enjoy change or uncertainty, which means the upcoming retrograde may cause some chaos in our lives.

With Mercury retrograde in an earth sign, we may end up focusing more on the physical world this month. It may have us reconsidering our values and financials. Taurus is the sign of all things material and natural, which could mean this retrograde may surface some previously buried issues related to our home, families, or money. Taurus is also the sign of finances, values, and power, so we could find ourselves rethinking our relationship within those areas. Now may be a good time to reevaluate your budget or make one, or put a plan together for any major purchases or trips.

Although Mercury retrograde can interrupt our best laid plans, it is not meant to frustrate. It helps us see what no longer serves us and needs to be filtered out of our lives. Oftentimes there are blessings. During this month’s retrograde, there are other astrological happenings that may help balance it out. Saturn moved into the sign of Pisces at the beginning of March, and this blending of energies supports our mental faculties and helps with focus and determination.

Just remember to plan ahead and leave yourself time and space.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.