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Music Video Monday: “A Box of Porn in the Woods” by HEELS

No porno mags were harmed in the making of this music video.

Don’t get too excited about today’s Music Video Monday.

Memphis punk agitators HEELS new music video does not actually include the mythical box of girly mags your father and/or older brother hid in the woods instead of throwing it out like your mom told them to. In fact, the video, written and directed by PJ Huot and Ben Pierce, contains no porn whatsoever. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

What it does contain is a whole lotta rock. Huot and Pierce made the video as a short film for the 48 Hour Film Project, where new filmmakers cut their teeth by creating an entire short film from start to finish in a single weekend. They used “A Box Of Porn in the Woods” as the big payoff in the plot, because, as you will soon discover, it freakin’ rocks.

If you want to see HEELS rock in person, they’re playing with Ben Abney & The Hurts at DKDC this Saturday, June 16th.

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