
“A Source with Direct Knowledge”


The Commercial Appeal says a deal is in the works to defer a referendum on MCS charter surrender.

Says who?

Here’s a passage from The CA story:

“Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell said he has been reassured by board members from both systems that the outlines of a deal can be approved by both boards.

“They are confident that some type of compromise is in the offing,” he said.

A source with direct knowledge of the talks confirms that view.”

Jeff Warren? Chris Peck? David Pickler? Mark Norris? Who has hammered out this reassuring historic agreement in secrecy, and who is the source with direct knowledge who, presumably, was in on the deal? Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.

(UPDATE) The CA story in the print edition Thursday was better sourced with names and attributions.

One of the positives as this story unfolds has been the willingness of elected officials and ordinary citizens to put their names and faces behind the comments. Several of them have gone into the other side’s territory to see, hear, and speak. Old lines are breaking down — black/white, liberal conservative, suburban/city. People seem to be thinking for themselves, listening to conflicting arguments, and keeping open minds. Good things.