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Oscars 2011 2.0 (UPDATED)

The Social Network

  • The Social Network


The nominations are in. Hope you didn’t take my advice and sleep in. I got 9 of 10, so switch out Another Year for 127 Hours and you’ve got the set. I probably let my personal feelings for 127 Hours get in the way. Look for my review in the Memphis Flyer out this week.

Full nominations are here.


In July 2010, I made an early-season guess at which movies will be nominated for Best Picture for the 2011 Oscars. Guess what happens tomorrow morning? The nominations are announced! It’s arguably the awesomest hour of TV of the year apart from the NCAA tournament’s Sunday Selection Show.

Here are my final predictions for the Best Picture category. (In order of my certainty.)

Best Picture 2011, 2.0
The Social Network
The King’s Speech
The Kids Are All Right
Black Swan
True Grit
Toy Story 3
The Fighter
Winter’s Bone
Another Year

Movies most likely to be nominated that I’m not including: The Town, 127 Hours