Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Catching Up With Modern Convenience


In what should become a regular installment here on the Sing All Kinds blog, we’ve decided to periodically check back in with artists we’ve previously featured in the paper for a new feature called – you guessed it – “Catching Up With ____________.”

When we last spoke to Modern Convenience frontman and mastermind Mike Bibbs a little over a year ago, he was riding high on the strength of some very positive international press exposure and gearing up to release a new recording. This week Bibbs caught us up on what he’s been up to since.

Flyer: So, what have you been up to lately?

Bibbs: Well, I’ve got a new record on the way that I recorded back in August. I’m really happy with the way it came out, and it should hopefully be available soon. I’ve also been working on demos for some new songs that I am plan on recording in a few weeks – no time to relax!