
Bud Chittom Gets a Note on Beale Street

Bud Chitton (in beige suit) and friends

  • Bud Chitton (in beige suit) and friends

Club owner Bud Chittom got a brass note on Beale Street Tuesday in recognition of his efforts over the past 16 years and in celebration of his 60th birthday.

Kevin Kane, head of the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau, said Chittom has grown his businesses at the western end of Beale Street, including Blues City Cafe, by 1200 percent.

“His philosophy is that if we’re not making money then we need to create more revenue,” said Kane.

Chittom, who has opened approximately 50 restaurants in Memphis, mainly on Beale Street and at Overton Square, thanked his wife and children, his longtime business partners, Beale Street promoters Mike Glenn and Preston Lamm, and former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton who was there for the party.

“They say it takes six to bury you,” said Chittom in his characteristic drawl, noting that about ten times that many people came to the celebration.