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The “Movies” List: Kid Posses

This week’s theme for my weekly “Movies” segment on the Chris Vernon Show was “kid posses,” movies that are built around a group of children (i.e., more than two), based off current box-office leader Super 8, J.J. Abrams’ homage to Carter- and Reagan-era Steven Spielberg films:

5. Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004): Harry Potter and his sidekicks and classmates — particularly Emma Watson’s Hermione — are the most prominent “kid posse” in modern movies, and this third installment in the film adaptations, directed by the great Alfonso Cuaron (Y Tu Mama, Tambien, Children of Men), is the best of the series (so far), with an investment in character and an organic filmmaking quality in stark contrast to the amusement-park rides crafted by Christopher Columbus in the first two films.
