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On Fire

Brittany “Natalia” Chandler is the head of Dancing Fire, a six-member troupe that incorporates fire with dance genres such as jazz, electronic, classical, and hip-hop.

Chandler specializes in belly dancing, which she’s done since the age of 17. She didn’t find her love for dancing with fire until two years ago and says she has received both mental relaxation and more than a few physical burns.

“If fire dancing were easy, then everybody would be doing it,” Chandler says. “It’s one of those scary things that we can’t really touch and hold in our hand, but we can get close to it, use it, and feel its heat.”

The troupe has taken its act on the road to places such as Miami, New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. They also host a series of local shows called “The Hidden Art.”

“The Hidden Art IV” will take place at the Rumba Room on Saturday, June 25th, at 7:30 p.m., and will feature fire dancing and belly dancing, plus circus-style acts and live music.

“You’re always going to be on your toes. There’s always going to be something new that you’ve never seen before,” Chandler says. “That’s why it’s called the “hidden art,” because the show has things that you normally don’t see. We’re all about coming up with new, creative, and unique things that have never been done for every show that we have.”

“The Hidden Art IV,” Saturday, June 25th, at the Rumba Room (303 S. Main). Admission is $10. Doors open at 6:45 p.m.