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Animal Control Officer Arrested on Cruelty Charges

Demetria Hogan

  • Demetria Hogan

Demetria Hogan, the Memphis Animal Services employee responsible for picking up the missing pit bull Kapone, was arrested today and charged with two counts of animal cruelty.

On June 24th, Hogan picked up two loose pit bulls from the area near Oaken Bucket and Twin Rivers in Cordova. Only one of those dogs actually made it into the Memphis Animal Services shelter. The other pit bull, 11-year-old Kapone, was never checked into the facility. The animal cruelty charges stem from the time that elapsed between the pick-up of the missing dog and the delivery time at the shelter, as well as the fact that Kapone remains missing.

A warrant was issued for Hogan’s arrest yesterday, and she turned herself in today. Hogan is employed under the city’s Second Chance Program, which offers positions to convicted felons. She has a long record ranging from possession of a controlled substance to forgery and identity theft.

Hogan is scheduled to appear for arraignment in General Sessions court at 11 a.m. on Thursday. The investigation is ongoing.

The Shoup family, Kapone’s owners, and several other animal welfare organizations are offering a combined total reward of $6,000 for the dog’s return.