
Council Approves MCS Budget, Schools Will Open on Schedule


The Memphis City Council unanimously approved the Memphis City Schools $884.7 million operating budget for the 2011-2012 school year.

Schools will open on August 8th, as scheduled.

“We will be able to move forward expeditiously with the start of school,” said Superintendent Kriner Cash, who attended the meeting.

Two weeks ago the school board and school administration threatened to delay the start of the school year indefinitely over a $55 million funding issue and payment schedule. The threat, which got national attention, was defused by a payment schedule that front loads the city’s contribution to the MCS budget. Tuesday’s council vote was the final action needed.

The operating budget includes $78 million from the city, but only $68.4 of that will count as “maintenance of effort” funding. The remainder will come from two sources: $5.8 million out of the city operating budget previously approved and $3 million paid to MCS last month.

City Councilman Shea Flinn proposed the resolution that was approved by a 10-0 vote.

“They care about the $78 million and we care about how it is classified,” said Flinn.

Maintenance of effort funding cannot be reduced unless enrollment falls. MCS told the council last week that enrollment is down 2,508 students, which is how the $68.4 million figure was arrived at.