Here’s the shot: I’m going to list my picks for who I think will win this year’s Ostranders. I’m usually wrong. Readers can take advantage of this—and possibly win $100 in Flying Saucer Beer Emporium bucks— by making their own winners lists and either emailing them to me ( with “Ostrander Contest” in the subject field, or by simply posting picks in comments to this posting. If nobody beats me I get to keep the beer bucks (bwahahahahahaha!). Otherwise they will go to the lucky/brilliant person who picks the most winners. In the case of a tie there will be a drawing.
How easy is that? My picks can be found below the fold.
I’m at an extra disadvantage this year. I always miss something if I do a show or take a vacation and this year I did both. In a couple of categories your guess will be as good as mine.