Bookstock is this Saturday, October 1st, at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library — an invitation to all to meet and learn from local writers, including Memphian Mark Greaney.
He’ll be on hand to introduce his latest thriller, Ballistic (Berkley Books; publication date October 4th). He’ll be interviewed on the library’s syndicated Book Talk program. And this week, it’s public knowledge:
Greaney has co-authored a thriller with a certain very well-known writer. The name of that writer has been officially announced. So too the title of the book. It’s called Locked On (Putnam), due in December. Greaney’s very well-known co-author: Tom Clancy.
Not bad for a local writer whose debut title from 2009, The Gray Man, is set to start filming next year. Word from Variety in August was that Brad Pitt’s expressed interest in starring. See the profile of Mark Greaney in the October issue of Memphis magazine for more. But for now:
“I’ve been reading Tom Clancy’s novels since the mid-’80s,” Greaney said this week. “I’m honored to be given the opportunity to collaborate with him.”
Mark Greaney will be reading from and signing Ballistic at Cover to Cover Cafe & Books (867-4028) in Arlington on Tuesday, October 4th, at 7 p.m. He’ll be at the Booksellers at Laurelwood (683-9801) on Thursday, October 6th, at 6 p.m.