Performance artist/former Love in Action client Peterson Toscano is in town for the Indie Memphis post-screening Q&A of Morgan Jon Fox’s This Is What Love In Action Looks Like tonight at Playhouse on the Square.
But he’s sticking around through the weekend to premiere his newest play, Jesus Had Two Daddies, on Sunday, Nov. 6th at Holy Trinity UCC (685 S. Highland) at 6 p.m.
In the play, Toscano “explores the bizarre, hilarious, moving, and at times disturbing world of the Bible as well as his own faith journey,” according to his press release. He’ll be sharing his interpretations of well-known and lesser-known Bible stories.
Since graduating from Love in Action years ago, Toscano has found some healing through writing plays. He wrote “Doin’ Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway: How I Survived the Ex-Gay Movement!” as a direct response to his time in ex-gay camp.
And he’s written other plays dealing with LGBT issues and Christianity, including “Queer 101: Now I Know my gAy,BCs,” “The Re-education of George W. Bush,” “I Can See Sarah Plain from my Window,” and “Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible.”