Blurb Books

Robert McGowan in Lit World


When the Flyer reported recently on two books by Robert McGowan, last spring’s NAM: Things That Weren’t True and Other Stories (Meridian Star Press) and last month’s Stories from the Art World (Thumbnail Press), it failed to mention some additional facts:

The anthology Art from Art: A Collection of Stories Inspired by Art (Modernist Press), published this past summer, features McGowan’s story “An Ephemeral Exertion.”

McGowan’s nonfiction pieces “Beetle” and “Owl” were up for Pushcart Prizes last December (with nominations made by the journal River Teeth and Thumbnail Magazine, where McGowan is a consulting editor).

And dotdotdash, the Australian literary and art journal, has published several examples of McGowan’s artwork, including his 1986 photographs of pre-revitalization South Main Street in Memphis, in addition to images drawn from his series “Under Overpasses,” “Spills,” and “Crushed Plastic Cups.”

The Flyer also didn’t include, because there wasn’t room, further information on McGowan, who supplied answers to questions put to him about his entry into what he calls Lit World. In what follows, I make room: