Art Exhibit M

Incognito at the Memphis Botanic Garden


Tomorrow will mark the beginning of the Memphis Botanic Garden’s exciting new art exhibit, Incognito, running until January 31st. The show will feature 80 Mid-South artists in a collection of original, unsigned works, open and free to the public and available during regular hours in the Visitors Center Gallery. The exhibition will culminate in a dual Gala and Silent Auction on January 20th, which will give admirers and buyers the opportunity to meet with the artists, on hand to sign their work for winning bidders. Tickets to the gala event are $25 for members and $35 for non-members, benefiting the Botanic Garden’s educational and outreach programs, carried out over its 96 acres with 23 specialty gardens including My Big Backyard Children’s Garden, the first nationally certified Nature Explore Classroom in Tennessee. Please call 636-4131 for tickets or further information.
