Learn about legal issues surrounding transgender marriages, wills and estates for LGBT families, custody issues, cyber-bullying, and gay-straight alliance formation at the second annual LGBT Legal Symposium at the University of Mississippi School of Law on Friday, March 23rd.
Held in the Robert C. Khayat Law Center, classes at the symposium will be led by well-known names within the LGBT legal community. There’s also a panel on ethics and diversity in the legal profession moderated by D’Arcy Kemnitz, executive director of the National LGBT Bar Association.
For those who can’t attend the symposium in person, 25 virtual seats are being offered through live streaming video on the internet.
On the night of the 23rd, there’s a LGBT Alumni & Allies Association Dinner at Butler Auditorium at the Inn at Ole Miss. The dinner runs from 6 to 8 p.m., and guests will have a chance to network with the class presenters from the symposium.
To register, email Sue Sweeney or go to the event’s Facebook page and download the registration form.