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Air Quality Committee To Deal With County’s Polluted Air


A 13-member committee has been appointed by Mayor Mark Luttrell to explore new ways the county can improve its air quality and meet ozone pollution standards.

The committee met informally for the first time on Tuesday, and it’s charged with examining air pollution from cars, industry, and other sources. The group will be required to submit its plans to Luttrell in a few months.

“We were notified months ago that Shelby County’s air quality did not meet federal standards. That finding and the recent decision by the City of Memphis to stop vehicle emissions testing led to my decision to form this committee. We need to take a comprehensive look at this issue to ensure corrective measures are taken,” Luttrell said.

Here’s a list of those appointed to the committee:

· Co-Chairperson: Harvey Kennedy — Chief Administrative Officer, Shelby County Government
· Co-Chairperson — Germantown Mayor Sharon Goldsworthy
· Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald
· Kim Hackney — Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Shelby County Government
· Kelly Rayne — Shelby County Attorney
· Carter Gray — Assistant Shelby County Attorney
· Yvonne Madlock — Director, Shelby County Health Department
· Tyler Zerwekh – Administrator of Environmental Health Services, Shelby County Health Department
· Bob Rogers — Manager, Pollution Control, Shelby County Health Department
· Tom Needham — Director, Shelby County Public Works
· Pragati Srivastava — Administrator, Metropolitan Planning Office
· Paula Lewis — Executive Assistant, Shelby County Chief Administrative Office
· Martha Lott — General Services Director, City of Memphis