“Light I,” by Constanza, will run for one night only, with an opening reception Friday, September 14th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Material Art Space.
Constanza is Guillaume and Judith, husband and wife, who began an art club in Paris, France. This is their statement from the press release regarding the exhibition:
“We have traveled to New York, and lived in Florida, and now Arkansas. Our art is a personal digestion of objects and ideas found in our different surroundings. The imagination is the real value. We are selling a piece of our imagination, our story, shaman studies, pie voleuse, art pauvre, art random, metapsy, metaxy, love and freedom.”
They go on to say: “To us this show is modesty. The candle holder is a place you can go to pray. It is like an altar. The altar is the visual link of somebody praying. We accept the found objects and put them in the light with a lot of simplicity. Our way of living with the light inside us.”
This is one of the most interesting statements and press releases I have ever read and I have no idea what it means.