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The “Movies” List: Time Travel

I subbed for Chris Herrington last week on The Chris Vernon Show. I had filled in for Herrington in the past when Vernon broadcasted on a different station, but never on his new show on 92.9 FM/680 AM.

How my appearance last week came about was weird. Tuesday night I had a dream that Herrington and I were composing dueling “Movies” lists. The topic: Time travel films. The dream’s plot was us going through a video store doing research for time travel movies, while people were trying to kill us. The one movie I knew would make my list was The Final Countdown, and Back to the Future was my back-pocket movie in case I couldn’t think of four more I’d rather include.

Weird dream. Wednesday morning I tweeted the plot out. Vernon replied that Herrington couldn’t come on the show that afternoon and would I like to come on in his place and give my time travel list?

It can truly be said: Chris Vernon has made my dreams come true.

The “Movies” list: Time travel.
(Note: I declined to include Back to the Future, because c’mon. You’ve already seen it.)