Neighborland, a national social network for civic activism, has launched a Memphis page where locals talk about what positive changes they’d like to see in the city. Other users can then click a “Me Too” button to show their support.
Ideas that have been posted on the site for Memphis so far range from the likely implementable, such as extending the Shelby Farms Greenline downtown and improving city sidewalks, to the probably never going to happen, such as the re-opening of Libertyland. Others, such as a post demanding a Trader Joe’s in Memphis, reflect the wants Memphians have been talking about for years.
The site launched in New Orleans last year, and it’s since launched pages for other major cities across the country. Neighborland is holding its Memphis kick-off at the Crosstown Arts office (427 N. Watkins) on Sunday, Sepetmber 23rd. Besides cold beer and refreshments, attendees will also be treated to a talk from the folks at ioby, a crowdfunding tool for neighborhood entrepreneurs and community leaders. They’ll be discussing how residents can fund some of the ideas mentioned on Neighborland. The event begins at 2 p.m.
The event is free, but registration on Eventbrite is encouraged.