Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters To The Editor


I found your Fall Fashion cover story (October 18th issue) fascinating. Who would have thought that The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension could have such an influence on the fashion industry? Thanks.

Michael B. Conway



Something Joe Biden said during his debate with Paul Ryan stuck with me. One of the last questions referenced religious belief and views on abortion. Biden indicated that he believed abortion wrong but could not impose his beliefs on others. Forget the economic details, liberal or conservative thinking, or party platforms. Does anyone have the right to force another to accept their beliefs?

I’ve studied Iran’s intolerance and see remarkable similarities to the Republican Party’s behavior. State legislatures and governors are pushing laws to control or effectively eliminate behavior contrary to their beliefs, just as Iran’s religious leaders issue edicts based on their interpretation of the Koran. Individuals with differing views are discouraged from voting.

Our courts have identified many states’ voting laws as restrictive. Legislators are still doing everything they can to discourage certain groups. Their objective is to reshape America according to their fundamentalist vision. This is exactly how Iran’s leaders explain their actions.

 I don’t care what the religious or political ideology is, I will not support a group engaged in bullying behavior. This is a corporate war for the Tea Party Republicans; this is how business is conducted. The GOP has crossed the line.

I want an America that represents me. This should be the top attribute in a president: not his ideology, but his ability to set it aside and represent all of us.

Warren Isleib


Obama is All right

It has often been said and written that a person’s vote for an incumbent should be based on what he or she believes that candidate has done to benefit them personally. Well, for the first time in my 49 years can state that I personally benefited from the actions of a president: Barack Obama.

It may have taken two-and-one-half years, but the effort required to jump through every financial hoop proved to be more than worth it in the end. The interest rate on my mortgage is now the same or similar to what is being offered on the refinance market today.

I supported Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination back in 2008 and became somewhat disillusioned and embittered by her defeat. But President Obama has done very well in steadying the course of our economy while being gridlocked by a party that offers no alternative ideas of its own.

As for Mitt Romney, he appears to be the Dagwood Bumstead of American politics. One pratfall after another leads me to believe that this is the last person we need in the White House. As the old adage instructs: “Think before you speak.” Romney’s reactive quips demonstrate a pattern of someone who clearly has not thought the issues through. I can recall Richard Nixon saying that then-President Ronald Reagan’s “war on the poor” was too severe, even for his standards. Romney’s policies will be far worse and will drive this country deeper into division than even the rich are willing to risk. 

This election is about a choice between someone who represents the few who have never had it so good and someone who represents the many who know we can and will do better. Barack Obama deserves another four years.

Joe Bialek

Cleveland, Ohio

Voter Fraud

See Jane at her computer. See Jane run. See Jane work. See Jane not vote if she is one of the millions of minorities, elderly, and students, whose voting rights are being disenfranchised by the phony Republican photo-ID laws. These laws have only one purpose: to suppress the votes of people who normally vote for Democratic candidates.

Voter fraud is virtually nonexistent in America. How do we know? President George W. Bush carried out a five-year investigation into voter fraud. The findings? There were 86 examples of voter fraud in America over a 10-year period. The only voter fraud being committed this year is by the Republicans.

Ron Lowe

Nevada City, California

Correction: In last week’s Fall Fashion story, on page 18: Both checkered button-down shirts by Southern Tide are from Oak Hall. The following credits were also omitted: Mary McNair, hair stylist; Alyx Ray, hair assistant; Christopher Padgett, makeup.