Those of you who know me know that I am not above self-promotion. Those of you who know me really well know that I love putting together art exhibitions anywhere and everywhere. Tomorrow night, I am once again putting together an exhibition called “The Car Show.” All the work in the show will be based on automobiles (and in one case, boats) either literally or conceptually. There will even be a Lamborghini Gallardo and an Aerial Atom at the exhibition. If you do not know what an Aerial Atom is, google it. Now. They are truly fascinating automobiles.

- Cat Pena
This event will bring together two groups that usually do not coexist anywhere, the car people and the art people. Their works definitely do not get many chances in Memphis to share the same space. So, we will see what happens when we all get together. In the end, it may just be about having a good time and making what each of these groups do more accessible. I am all for that.
“The Car Show” will run for one night only Friday, November 16th, 6-9 p.m. The exhibition will be held at Word of Mouth Detailing 7585 Highway 64 Suite 100 Memphis, TN 38133. Word of Mouth Detailing is located on Hwy 64 between Kate Bond and Appling Rd.
Speaking of things that are truly fascinating, I have always been very fond of quilts, especially those from the Gee’s Bend Quiltmakers of Alabama. Several years ago, the Brooks Museum of Art held an exhibition of these quilts. It was the best painting exhibition I have ever seen. Yes, that is correct, these quilts are like paintings. Currently at the Brooks is another exhibition “Early Quilts from Southern Collections” through January 6th, 2013.

- Greely Myatt
Saturday, November 17th at 1 p.m., Greely Myatt will be giving a talk at the Brooks. Myatt will be discussing his work that is based on these historic patchwork quilts. He makes these quilts from recycled and reclaimed street signs.