
Memphis Addys Winners Announced

The Memphis Chapter of the American Advertising Federation presented its 2013 ADDY Awards for creative excellence Saturday night. The annual awards presentation was attended by more than 350 people from local advertising, marketing, graphic design, and media businesses …

The Memphis Chapter of the American Advertising Federation presented its 2013 ADDY Awards for advertising creative excellence Saturday night. The annual awards presentation was attended by more than 350 people from local advertising, marketing, graphic design, and media businesses.

Of the 615 entries received by AAF Memphis, 72 gold ADDY Awards and 76 silver ADDY Awards were presented. Entries were judged based on creativity, originality and creative strategy.
Top awards of the evening went to the “Best of Show” winners. archer>malmo captured the Best of Show award for their print campaign for Southland Park Gaming and Racing, which also earned the Best of Print award.

archer>malmo’s work for Southland also captured the Best of Television, Best of Copywriting and Best of Radio awards. archer>malmo also took the Best of Non-Traditional award for their work for the Memphis Redbirds.

Sullivan Branding garnered the Judges Special Award for a video created for the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Best of Photography for their work for Beale Street Caravan.

Simple Focus earned both the Best of Web, Interactive and Best of Art Direction for their work on the Memphis Music Hall of Fame web site.

Following is a list of agencies who won Best of trophies, gold ADDY and silver ADDY awards this year:

archer>malmo won 6 Best of trophies, 25 Gold ADDYs and 12 Silver ADDYs

Red Deluxe won 4 Gold ADDYs and 19 Silver ADDYs

Doug Carpenter & Associates won 1 Gold ADDYs and 15 Silver ADDYs

Sullivan Branding won 2 Best of trophies, 9 Gold ADDYs and 4 Silver ADDYs

Harvest won 8 Gold ADDYs and 7 Silver ADDYs

Simple Focus won 2 Best of trophies, 9 Gold ADDYs and 1 Silver ADDYs

Combustion won 4 Gold ADDYs and 4 Silver ADDYs

Running Pony Productions won 2 Gold ADDYs and 3 Silver ADDYs

ODEN won 2 Gold ADDYs and 2 Silver ADDYs

Tactical Magic won 2 Gold ADDYs and 1 Silver ADDYs

Walker + Associates, Inc. won 2 Gold ADDYs

inferno won 2 Silver ADDYs

RedRover Company won 1 Gold ADDYs and 1 Silver ADDYs

Tyrel Witcher, S2N Design won 1 Silver ADDY

Contemporary Media, Inc. won 1 Silver ADDY

Design-O-Matic won 1 Gold ADDY

Hieroglyph won 1 Gold ADDY

Loaded For Bear won 1 Silver ADDY

Memphis University School won 1 Gold ADDY

S2N Design won 1 Silver ADDY

Signature Advertising won 1 Silver ADDY

The ADDY American Advertising Awards competition is sponsored by AAF Memphis, a member association comprised of advertising and media professionals. Proceeds from the ADDY Awards help support AAF Memphis’ educational programs, public service projects and proactive government relations efforts.

The ADDY Awards is a three-tiered national competition conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation. Local winners will next compete at the District level in Jackson, Mississippi, on April 19. District winners proceed to compete on the National level in Phoenix, in June.