Back in the day, I wrote a set of predictions on the eve of the final season of Lost. I got about 1 of 11 of the predictions right.
I haven’t been as excited and wrapped up in a final season since then until now, with Breaking Bad. The last season — or, more correctly, the last half of the last season — begins airing this Sunday on AMC.
In advance, here are my predictions for what will happen with Breaking Bad. Oh, spoiler alert.
Most everybody dies on Breaking Bad. Here is the order in which they will die, as the season unfolds:
Walt Jr.
In the end, only baby Holly is left to be raised by Marie, Hank’s wife.
Saul lives, too. He’s the Greek chorus of this tragedy. (Plus, sounds like he’s got a spin-off show in the offing.)
I completely think Walt has cancer again. That’s part of why he decided to get out of the business. Clock is ticking on him, too.
It will be interesting role reversal to the finish: Hank living a double life with the family as he investigates Walt/Skyler.
Will Hank push it to the wall is the main question. Any means necessary when it comes to bringing Walt/Skyler to justice?
In terms of deaths, who will choose to not give up without a fight?
I keep thinking of the haggard look on Walt’s face in the flash forward at the beginning of the 5th season. He had lost people, and things had gone horribly out of his control. He had lost his ego. Making it to his 52nd birthday was no great cause for celebration.
The cliche is that you can never get out of the business. Walt taking all the effort to cut in the Phoenix people, Czech Republic, and his new cook assistant, Todd — and then to up and quit — will come back on Walt.
Lydia is killed by the DEA.
Gomie is killed while investigating.
Walt Jr. is killed by some vindictive criminal type.
Skylar kills herself (drowns in pool, of course).
Jessie kills himself via drug overdose/pulls a gun on a DEA agent so he’s killed by them.
Hank is killed by criminals.
Walt is killed in a blaze of glory. He’s buying the gun not to shoot someone but to present a big enough threat that’s he’s killed. (Or he’s going to kill the Phoenix people for revenge and wants to die while doing it.)
In just eight episodes to closing time, it will be a bloodbath, raising the stakes and expanding the misery with each step.
Sounds like fun!