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Six Shelby County Suburbs Elect School Boards

School board races, most of them uncontested and all of them drawing ight turnouts, were concluded Thursday in the six incorporated municipalities of suburban Shelby County which intend to operate independent school districts beginning in 2014.

In GERMANTOWN, focus of controversy these days because three of its schools are slated for use by the existing unified Shelby County Schools district, there was one contested race out of five. In that Position 1 encounter, Linda Fisher, with 1,094 votes, defeated opponents Paige Michael (877) and Edgar Babian (616).

Other elected Germantown school board members were Mark Dely, Natalie Williams, Lisa L. Parker and Ken Hoover.

BARTLETT had two contested races — one for Position 2, in which Erin Elliott Berry (1.487 votes) won out over Alison Shores (415); and another for Position 5, won by David Cook (1,552) over Sharon L. Farley (365).

Unopposed for the Bartlett School Board were Jeff Norris, Shirley K. Jackson and Bryan Woodruff.

In MILLINGTON, there were three contested races — Cecilia Haley (306) defeating Oscar L. Brown (236) for Position 2; Jennifer Ray Carroll (394) winning out over Tom Stephens (113) for Position 6; and Donald K. Holsinger (289) besting Charles P. Reed (235) for Position 7.

Unopposed winners in Millington were Gregory Ritter, Chuck Hurt, Cody Childress and Louise Kennon.

In LAKELAND, the top 5 finishers of 7 contenders become the board. They are: Kevin Floyd (642); Laura Harrison (639); Kelley Hale (610); Matt Wright (556); and Teresa Henry (475). Also running were: James Andrew Griffith (288) and Greg Pater (94).

ARLINGTON, which plans to consolidate its school efforts with those of Lakeland, elected five board members without opposition. They are: Danny Young, Barbara Fletcher, Kevin Yates, Kay Morgan Williams and Dale A. Viox.

COLLIERVILLE also elected five board members without opposition. They are: Kevin Vaughan, Wanda Chism, Mark Hansen, Cathy Messerly and Wright Cox.