Goner, the world epicenter of garage-punk, turns 21 this year. You can celebrate yourself to pieces at the Hi-Tone on Sunday night. And you should. Goner gave an identity to a subset of Memphis music that previously went under-noticed by the world. While Chilton et al flirted with punk in it’s infancy, Goner established an international presence at the intersection of punk, rockabilly, garage-rock, and certifiable Memphis insanity. For this, we hail them. And it’s not just us. Sunday’s festivities will include a fine mess of bands: NOBUNNY, Ex-Cult, Manateees, NOTS, Moving Finger, and The Hussy. Video bomb after the jump. (photo of NOTS by Don Perry)
[jump]The Hussy (Video by Eric Allin – notable spelling!)
Goner’s 21’st Birthday Party: Sunday @ Hi-Tone (6)
NOBUNNY. All cowbells should be panned left and right. Write that down.
Goner’s 21’st Birthday Party: Sunday @ Hi-Tone
Ex-Cult (Video by Rocket Science Audio)
Goner’s 21’st Birthday Party: Sunday @ Hi-Tone (2)
Manateees (Video by April Novak Proveaux)
Goner’s 21’st Birthday Party: Sunday @ Hi-Tone (3)
NOTS (Video by April Novak Proveaux)
Goner’s 21’st Birthday Party: Sunday @ Hi-Tone (4)
Moving Finger (Video by April Novak Proveaux)
Goner’s 21’st Birthday Party: Sunday @ Hi-Tone (5)