Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (February 12, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About Jackson Baker’s post, “Haslam’s Medicaid Expansion Bill “Hanging by a Thread” …

Kelsey is a fool, a traitor, and a moron! The trifecta, as it were.

Tennessee Waltzer

The majority of people opposed to Insure Tennessee are the Tea Partiers in our legislature. Most Tennesseeans favor the program. And Brian Kelsey should hang his head in shame for being part of the taxpayer-funded state health insurance program while denying the same to the working poor of Tennessee.

Jenna Sais Quoi

It’s dangerous having someone with Kelsey’s mindset — more loyal to his narrow ideology than to the well-being of the people of Tennessee.

Concerned in Shelby County

We have someone as president who is 100 times more dangerous with his own narrow ideology and use of executive orders to bypass Congress.


You couldn’t be talking about the current president, who has signed fewer executive orders than all presidents since Grover Cleveland and uses Republican ideas like the ACA.

Concerned in Shelby County

I’ll just put this here: “Six of seven senators who shot down Insure Tennessee have state health care.” Hint: three of them are in this article, and the fourth one is our local idiot.

Charley Eppes

About Chris Davis’ Viewpoint, “‘Night, Darlin'” …

Poetic touching tribute. You paint a picture of a moment that many of us shared in our own way. Thanks for a beautiful private look into the way a kind soul can make a difference in many lives. Larger than life. Thank God.

Peter Ceren

To be inside the P&H after last call and the doors were locked was a cross between a return to the womb and breakfast at Valhalla.

CL Mullins

About Wendi C. Thomas’ column, “Thanks, Obama!”

I’m a Democrat who pays the Halls tax and federal taxes. Insuring others keeps my own personal health care less expensive because I’m not paying for anyone else’s unpaid bills.

I also have a pre-existing medical condition that prevented me from ever getting health care outside of an employer. Without insurance, I would be spending upwards of $15,000 a year staying alive and healthy. Since the health-care exchange opened, I have had a peace of mind that I have never enjoyed before in my adult life, because I have choices that extend beyond finding a job with top-notch insurance and going broke trying to stay alive.


Rural hospitals are closing all over Tennessee. When good, God-fearing, country folk start dying on the two-hour trip to the nearest hospital, there’ll be hell to pay … for Democrats, of course. Republicans will blame Obamacare.


I was a conservative Republican when I was laid-off from my job in 2000. The ever-increasing cost of maintaining insurance via COBRA convinced me that socialized medicine is the way to go. I don’t mind my tax dollars supporting such a system, even though Obamacare isn’t such a system and doesn’t go nearly far enough toward socialized medicine.

Republicans lose their jobs as frequently and as easily as anyone else. And I just want to laugh at retired Republicans with Medicare who oppose Obamacare.

Brunetto Latini

To those who can understand the plight of the uninsured and support medical insurance for the least of our brethren and don’t fear to speak up about it — my hat is off to you!

Truth Be Told

I hope others are joining all good Republicans like myself in leaving this country if Obamacare continues. We shall find a civilized country without socialized medicine, like … uh … uh. I’ll have to get back to you, brothers. Hold off on the packing.
