Mike Williams
The roster of declared candidates for Mayor of Memphis continues to swell, with the latest entry in the race being that of Mike Williams, president of the Memphis Police Association and a persistent critic of incumbent Mayor A C Wharton’s strategies for attracting industry and his austerity-oriented policy changes toward city employees’ benefits.
In a statement appended to an ad hoc Facebook page entitled “Mike for Memphis 2015 Kickoff,” Williams sets his announcement for 10 a.m. Monday at AFSCE Local Hall at 485 Beale.
Williams’ statement on the page reads as follows, verbatim:
Please come stand by my side as I make my official announcement to the great City of Memphis that I am running for mayor in 2015!!!
Together, we will show our current city leadership that we are united in our cause to restore government services to a transparent, accountable system devoted above all to the best interests of our citizens in all communities located in #OurMEMPHIS!!!
Together, we will shout out to all citizens of Memphis that our moment is here and it is time to clean house at City Hall by utilizing our power of the vote!!!
Together, we will register to vote, mail in our vote or go hand in hand to #EARLYVoteForChangeIn2015!!! It is not too late for Memphis!!! We can turn the corner!!! We can choose to change the future of our city which is rich is history, talent and home grown determination.
It will not be an easy journey, but united as a community of all colors, cultures, economic status, religions, political persuasions and other diversities we will return Memphis to a city of the people, by the people and for the people.
Join us if you can, but even more important, please, add me to your daily prayer list. I’m IN it to WIN it, so I will need YOU and God’s blessings along the way!!!
Blessings to ALL!!! ~ Mike Williams…
Other candidates already declared include Mayor Wharton himself, City Councilman Jim Strickland, former County Commissioner James Harvey, County Commissioner Justin Ford, and former University of Memphis basketballer Detric Golden. Others expected to become candidates are Councilman Harold Collins, who has appointed an exploratory committee and the Rev. Kenneth Whalum, pastor of New Olivet Baptist Church and a former School Board member.