Politics Politics Beat Blog

Here We Go: Simultaneous Candidate Events

There must be an election on!

Mickell Lowery, candidate for Super Distict 8, Position 3, with supporters. Sharing the frame (top row, 4th from left) was John Marek, newly embarked on a Council campaign in District 5.

A sure sign that the city election season is heating up: On Thursday, June 18th, from 5 to 7 p.m., Patrice Robinson, a candidate for city council, District 3, and Mary Wilder, candidate for the council’s District 5, were scheduled to be holding simultaneous fund-raisers at private residences in different parts of town. (Late update: the Robinson fundraiser was canceled.)

This comes a night after more or less simultaneous events involving a joint appearance of Mayor A C Wharton and challenger Jim Strickland at a taped interview event at Playhouse on the Square, as well as a meet ‘n greet event for City Council candidate Mickell Lowery (Super District 8, Position 3) at The Tennessee Brewery.

An attendee at the Lowery event was John Marek, who, as a preview to his own formal announcement for Council District 5, released an elaborate campaign platform calling, inter alia, for a lowery property tax, city/county consolidation, decriminalization of marijuana, and restoration of reduced benefits for police and fire employees.

Overlapping events and campaign manifestations of this sort, still relatively uncommon, will at a certain point in the election cycle, become routine. And that point, very likely, is in the near future.


From left: Beverly Marrero, Larry Miller, Mary Wilder, and Cindy Reeves at Wilder’s Thursday evening fundraiser.