Sen. Yarbro (l); Rep. Powell
If two Tennessee legislators, both Democrats, have their way, the prospect of a Ted Cruz presidency would be lessened — at least insofar as the Volunteer State’s 11 electorate votes are concerned.
State Senator Jeff Yarbro and state Representative Jason Powell have co-sponsored a bill, HB2595/SB2625, that would effectively nullify Cruz’s presidential candidacy in Tennessee.
The bill reads as follows in its entirety:
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 2, Chapter 15 and Title 2, Chapter 5, relative ro elections.
SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 2-5-208(h), is amended by adding the following language at the end of the subsection:
The secretary of state shall not place the name of any presidential or vice presidential candidate, even if nominated by a political party, on the ballot unless the candidate is a natural born citizen of the United States.
SECTION 2. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 2-15-104©, is amended by adding the following as a new subdivision:
(4) Notwithstanding this subsection (c) to the contrary, the electors are prohibited from casting their ballot for any candidate who is not a natural born citizen.
SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.