Opinion The BruceV Blog

Ted Cruz “Sex Scandal” Rocks the Internet

Oh, this is going to be interesting. The National Enquirer, which has a good track record for breaking sex scandal stories (John Edwards, Tiger Woods, Jesse Jackson), has dropped a bomb on GOP presidential contender Ted Cruz.

The Enquirer claims Cruz had affairs with five women, and included their pixilated pictures in the story. Though the Enquirer has not yet named names, the Internet has been doing that work for them. There are now published claims that one of the women is current Donald Trump spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, and another is a former Carly Fiorina staffer.

Twitter and other media outlets are jumping on the story. Conclusions are no doubt being jumped to, but this is a lot of smoke for there to be no fire. And the political ramifications are potentially huge. If this story is true, Cruz will have to drop out of the race and go home to “spend time with his family,” leaving a nice bundle of delegates without a candidate. Does this bring Marco Rubio back into the race? Or the Mittster? Or does Kasich now become the great establishment Republican hope?

Here’s a good run-down of events, so far..