Rep. Barbara Cooper and Rep. Johnnie Turner of Memphis and Rep. John Ray Clemmons of Nashville filed a hostile work environment complaint against Rep. Susan Lynn last week after she gave members of the Tennessee’s General Assembly a DVD titled “America’s Mosques Exposed! Video Evidence They Are War Factories.” In her response, the Mt. Juliet legislator misspelled “censor” three times and said she was trying to help a preacher share information any person googling things like “Mosques are war factories” might find on the internet.
“A citizen who was unable to get to the capitol on his own asked for me to distribute a video for him. Therefore, I take full responsibility for the distribution of the video. I saw no reason to sensor [sic] the individual. … The individual is a preacher, an historian, and an author. The legislature … is a forum for ideas and a place to share information on all subjects. We do not sensor [sic] information and we do not sensor [sic] citizens.”
Lynn, who shared the anti-Muslim propaganda and may not know what the word she misspelled means, continued, “On many occasions I too have received information from both legislators and citizens that I found offensive. But I did not run off and file a lawsuit in an attempt to make political hay. I simply discarded the material.”
Neverending Elvis
Over the past month, Fly on the Wall has highlighted several stories about the decline of Elvis culture in Las Vegas. That shouldn’t be mistaken for a decline in Elvis culture generally. In this past week alone, Scotland hosted a three-day Elvis festival, and Miley Cyrus got an Elvis tattoo shaped like a heart. Or maybe a tongue.