Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Jackson Baker’s and Chris Davis’ stories, “Tales of Two Cities” …

A wonderful and totally unusual pair of reports about this bizarre moment in American history — if there is history to be written after all this. The Ark is a perfect symbol for this time when politics are being drowned by religion.

Peter Ceren

Whoever does or has done the hiring down at the ole Memphis Flyer deserves a bonus.

CL Mullins

About the Flyer’s cover story, “You Know You’re From Memphis If …”

Kudos for the great article! Here are a few more nominees:

… you say “and hushpuppies” whenever catfish is mentioned.

… you still almost turn in at Peabody and McLean to check out a book at the library.

… you think of J.C. Levy’s ‘Dial ‘n’ Smile’ when you hear a recorded phone message.

… you are able to tell a tourist how to find an address on Monroe Avenue.

… you pass at least eight other churches on the way to your own.

… you still want to ask for ice cream at the Happy Hocker on Airways.

My wife and I do not know quite how to frame one about Burkle’s Bakery but will gladly treat anybody who does to lunch at Payne’s Barbecue!

Robert Matheny

… you have waited in the Grisham line at Burke’s Book Store at least once.

Rebecca Tickle

… you are a guitar player who’s married to a nurse.


… You’ve kissed Vincent Astor.

Mia S. Kite

About Richard Cohen’s Viewpoint on John McCain …

Cohen’s Viewpoint was spot on. McCain’s fall from legitimate war hero to GOP whipping boy started in 2000, when George Bush used low-blow smear campaigns against him and he later fell in line to support W. without question. The descent went on to include naming Sarah Palin his running mate and the Obama-bashing that bordered on racism.

He went from cochairing legislation with Democrats to jumping on the conspiracy crazy train, blaming Obama for the Orlando nightclub shooting, and, now, supporting Trump. The end of his political career can’t come soon enough. It won’t be a swan song, but more like a man put out of his misery.

Elizabeth L. Miller

About Toby Sells’ story “Greensward Grumbling” …

Enough! Please put an end to covering this irrelevant issue. Paraphrasing Allen Iverson: “We’re talking about parking, man!? Parking?!”

David Rainey

About the dangers of the trolley tracks …

I want to give a heads-up to Memphis drivers regarding hydroplaning on the trolley tracks. I was driving east on Madison, in the medical area last week. It had been lightly raining for about half an hour. I was in the lane with trolley tracks running inside its length. Going 40 miles an hour, I attempted to change into the right  lane. Instead, my car spun out of control into the opposing traffic’s lane. Thankfully there was no traffic.

Saj Crone

About the Flyer being taken over by liberals …

I’ve been a fan of the Flyer since the very first issue. However, it appears that over the last five years or so your paper has been hijacked by the liberals. It’s always good to have differing opinions to keep things in perspective, so please count me in as one of your “conservative readers.”

Yes, I voted for a Clinton once. Yes, I have friends who are Democrats.

Mark McKee