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Music Video Monday: MonoNeon & A Weirdo From Memphis

And now, Music Video Monday brings you a new Weirdo.

I know what you’re saying. “If there’s one thing Memphis has plenty of, it’s weirdos.” But we (and by “we”, I mean “I’, because it’s pretty much just me doing this MVM thing) have a new weirdo for you, and he’s the kind of high quality weirdo you expect from Memphis. His name is A Weirdo From Memphis, and you’ve got to respect the fact that he’s just putting it all out there like that. Not only does he have a smooth, smart flow, but he tops it all off with a floppy pink anime hat.

In “America’s Perverted Gentlemen (Drawls)”, he’s joining bass virtuoso MonoNeon for a towed skateboard trip down Madison Avenue. The crew makes a short stop at venerable Memphis smoke shop Whatever, because this kind of weird doesn’t just make itself. You have to work at it.

Both artists come from the IMAKEMADBEATS Unapologetic crew, and he also directed the snack-sized music video. Peep it:

"America's Perverted Gentlemen (Drawls)" – MonoNeon & AWFM (A Weirdo From Memphis) from Dywane MonoNeon Thomas Jr. on Vimeo.

Music Video Monday: MonoNeon & A Weirdo From Memphis

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