Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Work Continues on ‘Slider Out’

A few details of Aldo Dean’s new project on South Main emerged Wednesday, including its working title, “Slider Out.”

Dean owns Slider Inn, Aldo’s Pizza Pies, and Bardog Tavern. He said last year that he’d bought the garage and antique car storage facility at 365 Mulberry. At the time, he said it would be a second Slider Inn location.

Dean has been working on the project and later this month he’ll appeal to the Memphis Landmarks Commission to add a small addition to the existing building for the restaurant’s restrooms.

Dean also wants to add an exterior covered patio for year-round dining that will include large overhead doors that can be opened during comfortable weather, reads the application to the Landmarks Commission.

The restaurant will keep the automotive signage already in place on the building. Another sign will be added later to identify the restaurant. Dean also plans to install a piece of public art near the restaurant’s main entry on Talbot.