Politics Politics Feature

A Giant Sucking Sound

Survey USA provides monthly polling numbers on various issues, state by state. The latest approval/disapproval polling on President Bush shows some startling reversals of fortune. There are only four states as of March 15th in which a majority of Americans “approve” of the job President Bush is doing.

In Arkansas, Bush has fallen 28 points since November, to a 34 percent approval rating. In Tennessee, things aren’t much better for W, at 39 percent. But Mississippi? Those folks still loves them some Bush — barely: 49 percent of Magnolia Staters approve the Prez, versus 47 percent who disapprove.

C’mon, Mississippi! Time to catch up with the rest of the country.

Survey USA provides monthly polling numbers on various issues, state by state. The latest approval/disapproval polling on President Bush shows some startling reversals of fortune. There are only four states as of March 15th in which a majority of Americans “approve” of the job President Bush is doing.

In Arkansas, Bush has fallen 28 points since November, to a 34 percent approval rating. In Tennessee, things aren’t much better for W, at 39 percent. But Mississippi? Those folks still loves them some Bush — barely: 49 percent of Magnolia Staters approve the Prez, versus 47 percent who disapprove.

C’mon, Mississippi! Time to catch up with the rest of the country.