Politics Politics Feature

“A man of no talent, whatsoever.”

The New York Times profiled Bill Frist today, and it wasn’t pretty. The Tennessee senator with presidential ambitions was portrayed as an ambitious but underwhelming figure. The money quote came from from beltway insider Charlie Cook:
“The most classic case of the Peter Principle I’ve ever seen in American politics,” Mr. Cook said, in an uncharacteristically brutal assessment. “In a business where eloquence and rhetoric is important, he is a man of no talent whatsoever.” Read it all here.

The New York Times profiled Bill Frist today, and it wasn’t pretty. The Tennessee senator with presidential ambitions was portrayed as an ambitious but underwhelming figure. The money quote came from from beltway insider Charlie Cook:
“The most classic case of the Peter Principle I’ve ever seen in American politics,” Mr. Cook said, in an uncharacteristically brutal assessment. “In a business where eloquence and rhetoric is important, he is a man of no talent whatsoever.” Read it all here.