Opinion The BruceV Blog

A Royal Memphis Weekend!!

Sure, anybody who hasn’t been hunkered down with the Nevada Bundys for the past week knew that British royals Prince William and Kate Middleton were headed to Memphis this weekend for the wedding of their friend Guy Pelly to Memphian (of sorts) Lizzy Wilson. Hope you got your invite. It’s going to be swell. Here’s what the handsome couple will look like as they ponder whether to hit Gus’s Fried Chicken or the Rendezvous.

But, as they say on the infomercials, there’s more! Now, it seems, William’s brother, Prince Harry will also make the Memphis scene. He looks like this

Prince Harry in Vegas

so keep an eye out while you’re down on Beale this weekend, ’cause we all know Harry loves to party.

Guy Pelly, the groom

But let’s get real. We know these boys aren’t going to be hanging out with the hoi polloi in Memphis this weekend. Though I guess it wouldn’t hurt to hang out around Royal Studios. Could happen, right? Nah. They’re probably going to behave themselves. And they’re probably going to be dressed like this.